Posted by Camille Leon

Have you ever been sitting in a coffee shop, sipping on something yummy, enjoying the peaceful moment and noticed a competing coffee shop just across the street? I did that just the other day and it was quite an ‘aha’ moment.

Like attracts like and, by locating so closely together, competitors can actually build their businesses. Apparently, this is a strong way to find customers.

I started to consider the where I’ve seen this succeed… A shopping mall is actually a collection of competing retail stores, with a fast food court (more competitors in close proximity).  When I got to buy a new car, I go to dealer’s row where I can find everything from a Toyota to a Chevy.

Taking another sip of my frou-frou coffee drink (with extra cream and sugar, please), I started wondering how this could work for sole proprietors, like most holistic practitioners and professionals.

Collaborating with similar minds helps everyone come up with stronger solutions. After all, don’t we all have similar challenges in building our businesses? Co-locating on the web makes it easier for people to find you there. In some cases, like cooperative advertising, it can save you money.

In the case of groups like the American Medical Association, or the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, it can strengthen your position, both individually and collectively, as a resource to the public.

Plus, there are other advantages. It’s nice to be able to refer a client to someone you trust when they need services and you’re not available to help. Both your client and your colleague will remember that!

Who are you collaborating with today? What like-minded professionals/practitioners are you aligned with?

Mmmmm… this coffee sure is tasty!


This article can be re-printed in your ezine or website if you include the following information: Camille Leon represents holistic and eco-friendly professionals and practitioners through The Holistic Chamber of Commerce, an emerging national organization. For more info, visit or call 310-490-6862.