OMG! I can’t believe I did it! I mean, my only previous exposure to colon hydrotherapy, usually referred to as ‘colonics,’ is the Sarah Jessica Parker scene in LA Story, a movie from 1991. Her character is young and perky and yet she emerges even younger and perkier.

Several motivators finally got me in the door to try this controversial technique.

First, I visited with Cece Alvarado, a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist at Inner Health Care Colonics, to learn more about why she decided on such a ‘unique’ business.

I mean, really, do you want to give ‘colonics’ for a living? Her office is such a professional blend of health and wellness facility and spa that I felt comfortable with this unusual idea.

Second, she showed me some before and after photos that emphasized the difference that this procedure could make. Since someone as healthy as Dr. Oz has been found with a polyp, it seems advisable for all of us to consider what we can do to take better care of ourselves, even in this delicate (and uncomfortable) area.

Third, at The Holistic Chamber of Commerce, we check references on our Members to ensure a high level of integrity and quality for the services and products we represent. The stories I’ve heard from those who have had colon hydrotherapy treatments have been amazing. Results include weight loss, renewed energy (based on extreme fatigue), and even emotional release. Is there such a thing as ‘emotional constipation?’ If you appreciate the mind-body connection, then you may benefit from an unexpected outcome!

Alright… enough generalities… What is it really like? (Other than awkward) I’m sure that the experience varies based on the quality of the facilities and personality of the, um, facilitator.

A few things to expect: You’ll need to undress, completely, and put on the robe. This is a physical process and it is helpful for your Colon Therapist to see your body’s response throughout. This helps them to help you more effectively. Also, you’ll have to insert the speculum yourself. Fortunately, they will coach you to find the right positioning.

There are some misconceptions about the procedure and I’d like to clear them up now. It’s a natural water flow process, in and out, and there no suction is involved. Actually, once I was able to get my head around the idea that I just needed to relax my body and ‘let go,’I was fine. Of course, since I live in LA and stress is my most natural state, it took a little time to release.

I enjoyed soothing music and subtle aromatherapy during my session. I appreciated the privacy of the offices and the soft touches that made her offices feel more like home.

Will I do it again? Yeah, actually, I just might… especially since it’s an affordable, easy way to protect my health and feel younger and perkier again!

Click here and search for "colon" to find a reference-reviewed Colon Hydrotherapist near you.

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Camille Leon represents holistic and eco-friendly professionals and practitioners throughThe Holistic Chamber of Commerce, an expanding organization representing quality in holistic solutions. For more info, visit or call 310-490-6862.